Student Officer Application Form (Return by December, 15)

Students applying for positions of Student Officers must return this form together with a letter of application and their MUN-Director's recommendation. Letters of application should include a candidate's experience and qualifications. Letters of recommendations should outline a candidate's leadership abilities, his/her academic performance, school and extra-curricular activities. If there are more than one application from one school, the MUN-Director must rank order the applicants.

Full Name: Sex: M/F Nationality:
Date of Birth (D/M/Y) / /
Private Address:
Private Tel:
Contact e-mail:


Secretary General (1)
Deputy Secretaries General (2)
GA Commission Chairs (3+3+3+3)
President of ECOSOC (1) and ECOSOC Vice-Presidents (2)
Security Council Chairs (2)
Special Conference Chairs (2)

I hereby apply for the position of Student Officer at SPIMUN. I would prefer, if possible, to serve as:

Deputy Secretary General _________________
Committee Chair _________________
Press Group _________________

Preferred forum (please give three in rank order):

Signature of Applicant


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